Bundling Swiss R&D wind energy capabilities


We provide a platform to initiate and coordinate new collaborative wind energy projects in the areas of R&D, learning and teaching, ultimately aiming to foster excellence in Swiss wind energy R&D and to promote the export of Swiss know-how in products and services to the international wind energy market.


Upcoming events

What we offer

We offer two regular webinar series, the Metadata Challenge Webinar Series and the Diversity Webinar Series, as well as special webinars on important topics for the wind energy industry.

We offer several exciting events and networking opportunities, including the yearly Innosuisse Networking Series Event, as well as workshops such as our recent “Wind energy basics for offshore wind energy in Brazil“ workshop. The events are open to anyone, not just to members.

Our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion strategy aims to support every single one of you in increasing diversity, equity and inclusion in your organisation.

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